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AdministratorSetting up Sentry error tracking

Setting up Sentry error tracking


This guide provides administrators with step-by-step instructions to enable Sentry error tracking. Sentry provides real-time error tracking. When an error occurs, Sentry captures the error and sends it to the Sentry dashboard. This allows administrators to monitor errors and troubleshoot issues.

Table of Contents


  • An account with Sentry (if you don’t have one, you can sign up here)

Configuration Steps

Using appsettings.json

  1. Obtain the Sentry DSN: Log into your Sentry account, navigate to your project, and find the Data Source Name (DSN) under the “Project Settings” menu.

  2. Open appsettings.json in the /src/Eventuras.WebApi/folder` and enable Sentry under FeatureManagement.

    { "FeatureManagement": { "UseSentry": true // other feature flags here } }
  3. Add Sentry DSN: Locate the Sentry section and add the DSN:

    { "Sentry": { "Dsn": "your-sentry-dsn-here" } }
  4. Save and Restart: Save changes to the appsettings.json file and restart the application for changes to take effect.

Setting Via Environment Variables

Alternatively, you can use environment variables to override settings in the appsettings.json file:

  • To enable Sentry: Set an environment variable named FeatureManagement__UseSentry to true.

  • To add Sentry DSN: Set an environment variable named Sentry__Dsn to your Sentry DSN.

These variables will take precedence over values in the appsettings.json file.


To confirm that Sentry is correctly configured:

  1. Trigger an error in the application.
  2. Log into Sentry and check that the error appears in the dashboard.


  • Make sure that appsettings.json is saved in the correct directory and has the proper permissions.
  • Validate that your Sentry DSN is correct.
  • Confirm that the application has been restarted after configuration changes.