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DeploymentProduction Configuration Settings

Production Configuration Settings

This table outlines the necessary configuration settings for the production environment. These settings ensure the application’s optimal functionality and security.

SettingNameDescriptionExample Value
AppSettings__AllowedOriginsSpecifies the CORS allowed origins.
AppSettings__BaseUriThe base URI for the application.
AppSettings__DefaultLocaleThe default locale for the application.nb-NO
Auth__IssuerThe issuer URL for the authentication service.
Converto__ApiTokenThe API token for accessing Converto services. (Sensitive info)***
Converto__PdfEndpointUrlThe endpoint URL for PDF conversion services.https://url-to-pdf-service
FeatureManagement__UsePowerOfficeFlag to enable PowerOffice integration.true
FeatureManagement__UseSentryFlag to enable Sentry for error logging and monitoring.True
FeatureManagement__UseHealthchecksFlag to enable health checks for the application.True
FeatureManagement__UseHealthchecksUIFlag to enable a UI for health checks.True
FeatureManagement__UseStripeInvoiceFlag to enable or disable the Stripe invoicing feature.false
Logging__LogLevel__DefaultThe default logging level.Information
PowerOffice__ModeThe operating mode for PowerOffice integration.Production
PowerOffice__TokenStoreNameThe name of the token store for PowerOffice.kursinord.tokenstore
Sentry__DebugFlag to enable debugging in Sentry.True
Sentry__DsnThe Data Source Name for Sentry.https://sentry-dsn
Sentry__EnvironmentThe logging environment name for Sentry.api-production
Sentry__SendDefaultPiiWhether to send default personally identifiable information (PII).true
WEBSITES_PORTThe port used by the web services.8080
HTTPS_PORTThe port used for HTTPS connections.443