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DeveloperDeploy frontend to Vercel

Deploy frontend to Vercel

Deployment procedure for the frontend of the project to Vercel.

Required information

  1. Get the project ID from Vercel. It can be found at the Settings > General > Project ID. Vercel project id

  2. Get your organization slug from Vercel. It is part of the url when looking at the project. For example, if the url is, then the organization slug is organization.

  3. Get the token from Vercel. It can be found at the account > tokens page.

Setup the environment variables

Take a look at the .env-template in the apps folder.

Vercel environment variables

Set the root directory

In the page Settings > General, you could find the setting Root Directory, set the root directory to apps/web.

Vercel root directory setting

Docsite project

The docsite requires pre:build to run for the docs to be copied, so make sure to override the build command in the Vercel settings to npm run build.

Vercel custom build command